

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Proteção Contra Radiações (SPPCR) é uma Instituição de Utilidade Pública, filiada na IRPA (International Radiation Protection Association) dedicada ao domínio científico da Proteção Contra Radiações.

Fundada pelo Dr. João José Fausto Quintela de Brito, que a dirigiu até 2013, a Sociedade tem vindo a organizar com regularidade encontros científicos na sua área de atuação, destacando-se os Congressos de Proteção Contra Radiações dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, em colaboração com a sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Radiológica (SBPR).

Órgãos Sociais



Luís José Proença de Figueiredo Neves
Margarida Celeste Poiares Malta
Luís Miguel Morais Portugal
José Pedro Miragaia Trancoso Vaz
Secretário Adjunto
Alcides José Sousa Castilho Pereira

Assembleia Geral

Fernando Manuel Godinho Rodrigues
Maria Teresa Frangão Rézio
Luís Manuel de Jesus Sousa Correia
Maria Filomena Rabaça Roque Botelho

Conselho Fiscal

Maria Isabel Silva Ferreira Lopes
Francisco José de Melo Ferreira
Jorge Miguel Sousa Isidoro

Código de Ética

Code of Ethics for the Members of Portuguese Health Physics Society

These principles are intended to aid members of IRPA Associate Societies in maintaining a professional level of ethical conduct related to radiation protection. They are to be regarded as guidelines. Members of Societies may use them to determine the propriety of their conduct in all relationships in which they are exercising their professional expertise. Associate Societies are encouraged to adopt or incorporate them as appropriate. If there is reason to believe that a member has breached this Code of Ethics, the Society to which the member belongs is expected to investigate and take appropriate measures.

1. Members shall exercise their professional skill and judgement to the best of their ability and carry out their responsibilities with integrity.

2. Members shall not allow conflict of interest, management pressures or possible self-interest to compromise their professional judgement and advice. In particular members shall notcompromise public welfare and safety in favour of an employer’s interest.

3. Members shall not undertake any employment or consultation that is contrary to the publicwelfare or to the law.

4. Members shall protect the confidentiality of information obtained during the course of theirprofessional duties, provided that such protection is not in itself unethical or illegal.

5. Members shall ensure that relations with interested parties, other professionals and thegeneral public are based on, and reflect, the highest standards of integrity, professionalismand fairness.

6. Members should satisfy themselves as to the extent and content of the professionalfunctions required in any particular circumstances, especially those involving the publicsafety. Members should not undertake professional obligations that they are not qualified, or do not believe themselves to be competent, to carry out.

7. Members should take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons carrying out work done under their supervision or direction are competent, and not under undue pressure from workload or other causes.

8. Members should strive to improve their own professional knowledge, skill and competence.

9. Professional reports, statements, publications or advice produced by members should be based on sound radiation protection principles and science, be accurate to the best of theirknowledge and be appropriately attributed.

10. Members should, whenever practicable and appropriate, correct misleading, sensationaland unwarranted statements by others concerning radiation and radiation protection.

11. Members should take advantage of opportunities to increase public understanding of radiation protection and of the aims and objectives of IRPA and their own Society.

IRPA. Monday, 03 May 2004